Premier 3rd Party Firestop Inspections, Firestop Consulting, Annual Inspections On Fire Doors & Windows as well as Firestop Systems.

Your one stop for Firestop!
We meet all requirements for AHJ’s plus some… we can handle your remodel or your ground-up project. Working on a healthcare facility? We meet all OSHPD requirements as well. Need some consulting, were here to help! Fire Door & Openings Inspections? You got it… We got you covered!

Fire & Life Safety!
Passive systems when installed correctly help complete the triangle. How do you know your asset is protected correctly? By a qualified 3rd party inspection.

Trusted Professionals
We offer our services with professionalism. Our inspections are first rate, we know the importance you place on your project and life safety!

Why Firestop Inspections?
Its required by building code! Want to know how we can work with you to save lives? Just give us a call. We can do visual inspections or destructive testing and work with your construction team. Pictures & Looks can be deceiving. Just because It looks good, does NOT mean it is. Just look at the pictures on our website. None are passed inspection just from the looks. Its how they were done.
Let’s StartYour Next Project Together
We keep an eye on budget, stay on top of schedules for timely delivery, provide exceptional, detail oriented reports, provide destructive testing or visual inspections, and work closely with the construction team to ensure you’re on schedule and protecting your asset.